17 October 2007

UNCIEF + MK12 + 60uniteforchildren

Well i posted the sketch awhile back on here, and talked about the APAG making a book for UNICEF - and now here it is. They shipped us one copy for our office and I have to say the book looks fantastic. All of the artwork is beautiful, and the printing is great, and and and.. it's just great. The only downside being that for my piece I didn't get credit :(, well they credited Ben since he emailed both mine and his submissions, but oh well right? This is for a greater cause, and those who know me, know I did it anyways! :)

Onwards - You can view their website [here] buy the book [here] and check them out on facebook [here] All proceeds from the book go to UNICEF

A little about the project if you don't know:

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