29 August 2009

Timelapse Doodlin'

I really wanted to share with you guys some of the process behind my doodles. This one still needs work but for a first time recording myself, its not bad! The original was about 52 mins long, this is roughly 5mins. The threw a song over it by Explosions in the Sky: What do you go home to. Hope you enjoy it! :)

(crap realized the music is messed up, please excuse! this was a nightmare to get encoded!)

28 August 2009

Speed doodle!

i tried to do a quick sketch as fast as i could! think i clocked in around 5 mins for this one, fun to try and move fast! not that its a fantastic piece or even pretty for that matter, just an exercise! :)

26 August 2009

Shooting Under the Moon.

shot these raw, i could color treat photos for hours, it's a lot of fun pushing values around.

23 August 2009

Photo Sunday

Hittin' the switches on the '64

Photo Sunday

Scary "fall elf" @ TJ Max

19 August 2009

To Michigan and Back.

Working in my square earth tone sketchbook for the first few times was fantastic, I wish i had bought some more of these while I was out in NYC. These aren't done but i've already shared the first one with you anyways ;) Sorry for the camera phone pics, but this is what you get for just arriving an hour ago, i need to see if I can keep this 'normal' schedule for a few days (i doubt it)

15 August 2009

Doodlin' in the sun.

Started this while taking a boat ride, I think it's coming along!

14 August 2009

Pause... wait for the beat.

I'm taking a short break out to Michigan, you kids be good and i'll have some goodies for you when i get back. If you are TiVoing this -- fast forward! :)

13 August 2009

Too impatient for paint pens

Smear, fix, smear, fix, smear, riff, smear, give up, work on it
another night, ...

11 August 2009

Animated by you... update 2!

decided to add another character and a lot more time - . -

09 August 2009

Animated by you... update.

Got the base colors in for the main guy, now gotta outline the tree and color it as well.
edit: i started that as well :P

08 August 2009

Animated by you... sketch

I couldn't possibly finish this sketch tonight.... i got it roughed in to my liking though. Maybe i'll make this my weekend project :P we'll see.

07 August 2009

CGSociety Portfolio

I know the blog should be enough but hey -- here is another place to look at my work without digging through months and years of postings :) Its a rather small collection as of now, but even with that it brings new work i haven't shown before! hopefully I'll get caught up on posting my favorites on there sooner rather than later. Until then, keep posted :)
[view portfolio]

edit: I just realized free means only 5 images! oh noes. oh well, maybe i'll just curate it! :P

02 August 2009

astronauts love lowriders... part 2

bling for your iphone.
[part 1]


I didn't get very far in cleaning up my sketch or shading but i'm tired, so this is what you see!