07 February 2008

Unite for children... paris edition

if you would like to go out to the UNICEF book release event out in Paris,France... well... its sorta like.. monday so -- if you are from paris then... maybe you would like to go see all of the beautiful artwork. Me and ben have a piece that i talked about a few times on here.
- 60 artistes et createurs numeriques provenant du monde entier (19 pays) reunis au nom de l'Enfance.

- 60 artists and graphic designers from all over the world (19 countries) are gathered together on behalf of Childhood.

- Un projet a vocation culturelle et humanitaire, dont l’integralite des benefices recoltes sera reversee à l’UNICEF.

- This project is a cultural and humanitarian scope. All the profit will be paid back to UNICEF.

- Apres la sortie de l'ouvrage, venez decouvrir l'EXPO !!

- After the book's release, enjoy the EXHIBITION !!


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